Using the latest technology and cutting-edge utilities, it has a various range of executive abilities, E.g., tension, bending, compressing, impact and hardness test, on metal pieces and bolts, to specify the grades.
1- Tensile test machine (60 Tons):
With the ability to sample and perform tensile tests on:
flat sections
circular sections (rebars and anchor bolts, up to 40 mm)
bolts, bolt proof, and head bolts ranged from M8 to M30
2- Bending test machine:
With the ability of test and quality control of all types of rebars, metal straps, metal pipes body, CNG tanks, etc. which are mostly used in a wide range of steel industries and accordingly the performance of mentioned items can be reported and visually checked, according to the standards and under bending loads.
Adaptor for the test:
Sheet metal welding
All types of deformed rebars
Bending test:
Hot-rolled sheet metal (I-Beam, L-shaped, etc.)
Sheet metal used in tanks
Pipes with and without weld seams
Hot-dip galvanized carbon steel sheet
3- Impact test machine:
With the ability to determine the strength of absorbed energy in metal samples in room temperature, zero degree and sub-zero, to grade metal materials based on ASTM E23.
To determine the tendency of material toward a ductile behavior, there are numerous impact tests to perform. This specific kind of test can distinguish differences between materials and this is not possible to observe in a tension test. For the V notch impact test, there are two standardized categories: 1) Charpy sample with a rectangular section and a V notch (45 degrees) or a U notch, placed horizontally. 2) Izod sample, with a rectangular or circular section and a groove where it has been placed vertically. The main quantity measured in the impact test is the absorbed energy on sample failure. After the failure of the test rod, the pendula move back to the same height where it has failed and decrease while the absorbed energy has been increased. The absorbed energy, which is normally measured by Joules, is indicated directly on a graded gauge. The impact test, using a V notch, must be performed in a wide range of temperatures, so that the temperature that the Ductile-Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT) can be defined.
4- Hardness test machine:
Makes us able to measure the hardness of materials in three different zones:
Rockwell A
Rockwell B
Rockwell C
5- Portable hardness test machine:
Respecting the size of the machine, it is possible to perform various tests in all locations. To measure the Leeb rebound hardness test results, the portable hardness test machine performs its tasks based on measuring the velocity of penetrating spherical collision and emission of Tungsten Carbide made material.
The hardness test indicates the strength of a piece of metal against a penetrating object with a constant compressing force. This method is also used to gain a quick estimation of the strength of material.